Palazzo del Quirinale 20/10/2009

Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II State Dinner

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate,

President Napolitano,
Distinguished Guests,

Mr. President, thank you for your kind remarks. Italy is one of Jordan's most trusted partners in advancing a peaceful, productive future. Our delegation has greatly looked forward to our meetings this week.

On a personal note, I must tell you that Italy has a special place in my life, and my family's life. Rania and I and our children have spent many wonderful days here. And I know how much my father, the late King Hussein, loved visiting your country. Mr. President, allow me to thank you, and through you, the Italian people, for your warm welcome and great hospitality.

My friends,

To the world, your capital city is La Città Eterna, the Eternal City. We see in this great city, a future without limit - in life; in spirit; in achievement.

Mr. President, the connections between our people go back to ancient times. Our 21st-century commercial and cultural exchanges are only the latest in a long tradition of shared experience. One of the best-preserved sites of ancient Roman architecture outside Italy is Jerash, in Jordan. Our faiths, too, have common ground. In May, Jordan welcomed the Pope to visit the Holy Place of Baptism and other sacred places - honoured by Christians and Muslims alike.

These and other links are reminders that international engagement is nothing new to our countries. But today our ties have new importance. Our world is facing multiple challenges in security; in economic recovery; in interfaith and ethnic harmony. It has never been more important to unite in an effective response.

This is the leadership that your country has brought to the world scene. Italy stands as a model for others, as a country that works actively, in mutual respect, for global peace and progress. We in the Arab world especially value your contributions to interregional relations - not only your bilateral relationships, but your leadership in Europe and the Mediterranean Partnership.

My friends,

Our countries have deep shared values and interests: peace, moderation, tolerance and opportunity for all. We are proud that Jordan is the source of the Amman Message, reaching out to Muslims and non-Muslim alike, to understand and strengthen our common bonds. Rania and I are also proud to help open channels of cooperation and communication around the world - especially through engaging youth. I look forward to working with all of you to advance this important dialogue.

Young people are also among our highest priorities at home in Jordan. Jordan's commitment to their future has driven our focus on education and opportunity-rich, sustainable economic growth.

Mr. President, I appreciate Italy's support and hope that new ways to work together, will emerge from our meetings this week.

My friends,

There is another vital area for Italy's engagement - the urgent effort to bring peace to the Middle East. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been a flashpoint for regional tensions, and a cause of global division. We cannot afford to waste any opportunity to end this destructive crisis and move forward.

Together, we must help create a new day for Palestinians, Israelis and the world. Italy already has a respected and positive role in humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid. I hope you will use your influence to strengthen Europe's engagement in the peace efforts to move both sides back to the negotiating table.

My friends,

Jordan has taken great risks to stand against conflict and hatred. We believe in a better future - for both our regions and all our people. And I pledge to you Jordan's continuing partnership for progress, moderation, and peace. Again, on behalf of our entire delegation, I thank you for your warm welcome today.

Thank you.